SPILL tool: Una herramienta gratuita para derrames por hidrocarburos – A free tool for oil spills


En el marco del proyecto MARPORT, IHCantabria ha desarrollado la herramienta SPILL tool para determinar el riesgo ambiental de los derrames por hidrocarburos. Dicha herramienta ha sido  desarrollada usando la biblioteca de comandos Python y ArcGIS y ha sido implementada en las instalaciones petrolíferas del Puerto de Tarragona (NE España).

El estudio ha sido publicado en la revista Journal of Environmental Management, bajo el título Can a GIS toolbox assess the environmental risk of oil spills? Implementation for oil facilities in harbors.

La herramienta puede descargarse gratuitamente pinchando aquí.



In the framework of MARPORT project, IHCantabria has developed the SPILL tool to estimate the environmental risk of oil spills. This tool has been developed using Python and ArcGIS script library and has been implemented in the oil facilities of Tarragona harbour (NE Spain).

This study has been published in the Journal of Environmental Management, entitled Can a GIS toolbox assess the environmental risk of oil spills? Implementation for oil facilities in harbors.

The tool can be downloaded for free by clicking aquí.